About Crafty Fang

Hi, I’m Estrella aka Crafty Fang.

How it all began

I learnt to read tarot cards in October 2018 from a book. In order to practice and get good really fast, I started reading online for strangers, everyday for a month. At that time, I didn’t know anything about energy exchange, nor realise that I would attract negative attachments to myself if I read without protection.

In November 2018, while chatting with a colleague at work, I felt a wave of energy hit me, and I experienced an uncomfortable buzzing feeling throughout my body from head to toe. The feeling wouldn’t go away no matter what I did. I tried various methods I found on Google to try and get rid of the feeling – meditating, grounding by visualising myself as a tree, but somehow the buzzing feeling would move downwards and get stuck in my calves. I couldn’t push them out of my feet into the ground no matter how hard I visualised it. That went on for a full day.

Running out of options, I tried another method I found online. I picked up one of my quartz crystal pendants, wished for it to protect me from negative energies and wore it. The feelings stopped immediately. However, I knew that this was not a long-term solution and I sought out spiritual teachers to understand what was happening to me. I joined a couple of Facebook groups as well, to learn from spiritual teachers globally. Whenever I had a personal experience, I sought to understand it, and in turn ended up becoming more spiritual.

Why I continued

Despite having the experience above, I continued because I felt that tarot readings are really empowering, and I enjoy helping people. Through card readings I am able to offer guidance to people when they are unsure whether to see a decision through. Or help them find a focus when they have too many things on their plates. I feel very encouraged when I see people’s life experiences improving after they followed the advice from a card reading.

Adding tools to the toolbox

In between then and now, I have had received readings from a few readers and consistently they have advised me to pick up healing. I am happy to share that I am now a Reiki Level 3 Practitioner as well, and a member of The Usui Reiki Association.

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